Open Houses are back…


We will now be having some Open Houses in our local market!

Appointments are not needed to attend an advertised Open House.
Visit at the advertised time but be prepared to wait outside if occupancy does not allow for social distancing.
Open house times and dates will still vary, sometimes Sunday or Saturday or both.

Not every listing is going to be holding Open Houses.
There will be variations on how access to properties is handled depending on the sellers and agents comfort level and feasibility of meeting the guidelines with the particular property.
Some sellers may still prefer to limit showings to serious buyers and not the general public.

Required: at Open houses and Appointment Showings: Masks, sanitizing, and limited number of people in a house at a time. 

Sign-in is required, it’s not optional. We are still required to have every person who enters a home we have listed provide their contact information. A hand-signed form should be at each Open House ... the sign-ahead PEAD forms aren't required for an Open House but are currently still required for private viewings.

Limited Capacity: The hosting agent has to monitor and limit the number of people inside ... there are not at this time set numbers of people in the house limits as every property will differ in how well visitors can social distance inside. Please understand and be cooperative.
We're all figuring this out!

Appointment setting with your Realtor and contact tracing forms may still be required at the seller's or listing agent's discretion for all additional visits to homes. 

Check with me if there's a listing you want to see. The process for advertising which homes will be available to see and how is not standardized. Your agent verifying any details with the listing agent is still the most reliable way to obtain accurate information. 

As always, I’m happy to be a resource for those considering a move and to offer advice in the current environment! 

- Jackie


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How’s The Market? June 2021 Update


How’s the market? may 2021 update